Ramadan Quiz

Ramadan Quiz

ECN are going to start a simple quiz for out young ones under age of 16.

there will be a few lines about one of the profit companions ( Sahabas) published every day  of Ramadan in the website and what’s app group.

please encourage and guide our children to search , participate and identify the companion on that day.




 muazzin of the prophet pbuh , His famous for saying ahad ahad
مؤذن رسول الله صلعم  , مشهور لقوله احد احد


-الصديق -ثاني اثنين قي الغار

-The Siddiq’ – ‘The Testifier to the Truth.’
– he was chosen bytheProphet to accompany him on the Hijra journey from Mecca to Medina


‎احد أعمام الرسول صلعم
‎-اسد الله –
‎-استشهد في غزوه احد
-An uncle of the prophet pbuh
-the lion of Allah
-become a martyr in the battle of Uhod


الباحث عن الحقيقه
ولد نبيلا في فارس ورضي أن يكون عبدا ينتظر ظهور الرسول في ارض العرب
أشار علي الرسول بحفر الخندق

‏A seeker of the truth He was born as noble in Persia but accepted to be a slave waiting for the appearance of a Prophet
in the land of the Arab
Advised the prophet Pbuh
To dig the ditch to protect Madina


Saif Allah al-Maslul (the Drawn Sword of Allah He has the distinction of being undefeated in over a hundred battles, against the numerically superior سيف الله المسلول ، لم يهزم في اي معركة




become a Muslim after listening to the Quran at his sister house
The Prophet gave him the title ‘Farooq’ which means the ‘Separator of Truth from False hood.
He is the successor of Abu Baker
Egypt came to Islam at his time as a chaliph
اسلم عند سماعه القران ف منزل اخته
سماه الرسول الفاروق
خليفه ابوبكر وفي زمنه دخلت مصر الاسلام




كان فتي مكه المدلل وأعطر أهلها قبل إسلامه
هاجر ألي الحبشه
كان اول سفير للرسول صلعم الي المدينة وكان السبب في إسلام معظم أهلها،اختاره الرسول صلعم لنيله و ذكاءه وحسن معاملته ومعرفته للقران
استشهد في غزوه احد حاملا رأيه الإسلام
-was a spoiled youth at Mecca before Islam
-he migrated to Abyssinia to seek refuge
-he was the first ambassador of Islam to medina.he was chosen for this task because of his noble character, his fine manners and his sharp intellect. His knowledge of the Quran and his ability to recite it
-He gain martyrdom at the battle of uhod carrying the banner of Islam




‎ذي النورين تزوج بنتين من بنات الرسول صلعمً
-من اهم أعماله جمع القران وكتابته
-من احد العشره المبشرين بالجنه
-The Possessor of the Two Lights. He married two of the prophet pbuh daughters
-One of his most notable action was the compilation of a complete and authoritative text of the Qur’an
-one of the ten sahabi who were promised parade


من اول المسلمين الذين جهروا بالشهادتين في الكعبه
يرحم الله ….. يمشي وحده، ويموت وحده، ويبعث وحده».

One of the first Muslims who said the shahada in Kaaba
God be merciful to him .. walk alone and will die alone and he will be alone on the day of judgement



اول شهيده في الاسلام قتلها ابوجهل
اسرتها كلها اسلمت
ابنها من العشره المبشرين بالجنه
The First Lady martyr in Islam , killed by Abu gahel
The whole of her family were Muslim (first Muslim family )
Her son was one of the ten sahabi who was promised paradise



هتز لموته عرش الرحمن
اسلمت قبيلتها في المدينة كلها بعد إسلامه
توفي شهيدا بعد غزوه الخندق
The throne of our merciful god tremble for his death
His whole tribe in Medina embraced Islam after him
Died as a martyr after the battle of the ditch



اول من امن من النساء و اول زوجة للرسول و ام بناته ، من المبشرين بالجنة

first women believe on prophet Mohamed and become a muslim,

Prophet Mohamed first wife and the mother of his daughters


آبن عم الرسول صلعم
نام في سرير الرسول صلعم ليله الهجره
تروج من اخد بنات الرسول
A cousin of the prophet pbuh
He slept in the prophet bed at the night of higra
He Married one of the prophet daughters



احد صحابي المدينة
توجهت ناقه الرسول ألي داره عند وصول الرسول الي المدينة
مكث الرسول في بيته حتي تم بناء مسجد الرسول
One of the sahabi of Medina
The camel of the prophet was guided to his house on the arrival of the prom to Medina
The prophet stayed in his house tell the prophet mosque was built



قال الرسول لكل أمه أمين وانت أمين هذه آلامه
تكسرت اسنانه عندما حوال ان بخلع الحلقتان الآتي التصقا بوجه الرسول بعد معركه احد
قاد الجيوش الإسلاميه ضد الروم حتي تحررت الشام

Every ummah has an amin (custodian) and you are the amin of this ummah.’
Broke his teeth to take out the two discs from the prophet shield that had penetrated into his cheeks at the battle of uhod
He was in Syria leading the Muslim forces from one victory to another until the whole of Syria was under Muslim control


Born in Madina, was an arabian poet and one of the sahaba or companions of prophet Mohamed , he was best know for his poems in defence of Islam and the prophet

 شاعر عربي وصحابي من الأنصار، ينتمي إلى  أهل المدينة،  أسلم وصار شاعر الرسول


طلق عليها ذات النطاقين
ساعدت الرسول في ليله الهجره
ابوها حليفه وابنها حليفه وأختها اصغر زوجات الرسول
She was given the nickname Dhat an-Nitaqayn (the One with the Two Waistbands)
She helped the prophet on the night of Hijra to Medina
Her father was caliph, her son was caliph and her sister was the youngest wife for the prophet



 صحابي وقائد عسكري مسلم، كان مولى للنبي محمد، وكان النبي محمد قد تبناه قبل بعثته، وهو أول الموالي إسلامًا، ومن السابقين الأولين للإسلام، والوحيد من بين أصحاب النبي محمد الذي ذُكر اسمه في القرآن.  استشهد  في غزوة مؤتة وهو قائد جيش المسلمين

Companion of prophet Mohamed and army commander , was a servant to the prophet and he adopted him before islam, first servant become muslim , the only of the prophet companion his name has come in Quran ,Died as a martyr in the battle of mouta



من أوائل المسلمين واخد العشره المبشرين بالجنه
احد السته اللذين اختارهم عمر لخلافته
اول من رمي بسهم في الاسلام
قاد الجيوش المسلمه ضد الفرس وانتصر عليهم في القادسيه
-One of the first people to embrace Islam and one of the ten Sahabas who were promised paradise
-One of the six Sahabas chosen by omar to succeed him
-The first man to throw an arrow in Islam
-the commander-in-chief of the strong Muslim army which omar despatched to confront the Persians and won at the Qadisiyyah




نزلت فيه هذه الآيه القرانيه( عبس وتولي ان جاءه الأعمي وما يدربك لعله
يزكي او يذكر فتنفعه الذكري )
the following revelation in Quran came to the prophet pbuh in relation to this Sahabi:

“He frowned and turned away when the blind man approached him! Yet for all you knew, (O Muhammad), he might perhaps have grown in purity or have been reminded of the Truth, and helped by this reminder. Now as for him who believes himself to be self



أنجبت له ثالث أبنائه إبراهيم والذي توفي وهو طفل صغير. أهداها للرسول الملك المقوقس حاكم مصر سنة 7 هـ. وكان أبوها عظيم من عظماء القبط

were sent to the  prophet Mohamed in 628 as a gift by Muqawqis, a governor of Alexandria, she born Ibrahim the prophet Mohamed third son who died while young



‎ولد في المدينة و اسلم علي يد مصعب ابن عمير وكان احد أهل المدينة في بيعه العقبة مع الرسول
-حديث “اعلم امتي بالحلال والحرام ……”
-ارسله الرسول ألي اليمن ليعلم اَهلها الاسلام

Born in Medina became a Muslim with the guidance of mussb ibn Omir was one of the people of medina who made the pledge with the prophet at al Aqaba
“The most knowledgeable of my ummah in matters of halal and haram is……”
The prophet sent him to yamen to teach Islam


ثالث زوجات الرسول محمد وإحدى أمهات المؤمنين، والتي لم يتزوج امرأة بكرًا غيرها. وهي بنت الخليفة الأول للنبي محمد

Prophet Mohamed third wife , she is the only one who has not married before that, she is the youngest wife of prophet Mohamed , Her father was caliph (the first caliph)



صحابي جليل، وابن عم الرسول
ولد بعد نزول الاسلام وقضي طفولته في خدمه الرسول
حبر الأمة وفقيهها وإمام التفسير وترجمان القرآن،  …
A cousin of the prophet PBUH
Born after the revaluation of Islam
Spend his childhood serving the prophet
One of the most knowable shabah of Quran and sunnah and one of he first sahabi to start interpretation of Quran



من اكثر الصحابه روايه للحديث
كان يحب القطط
كان يخدم الرسول ويعيش في المسجد مع أهل الصفه
He was the most prolific narrator of hadith
He was fond of cats and since his childhood often had a cat to play with
He used to serve the prophet and live in the prophet Masjid with other of the Ahl as-Suffah.



 صحابي من السابقين الأولين في الدخول إلى الإسلام، اتخذ الرسول من داره مقرًا للدعوة وقد هاجر إلى يثرب، وشارك مع النبي محمد في غزواته كلها. توفي بالمدينة المنورة في خلافة معاوية بن أبي سفيان، وقد جاوز عمره   كانت داره  بمكة التي كانت على جبل الصفا مقرًا لدعوة النبي محمد الإسلام في بداية الدعوة إلى الإسلام. وآخى النبي بينه وبين أبي طلحة زيد بن سهل. من السابقين  إلى الإسلام،سابع سبعة أسلمو و قيل الثاني عشر

was a companion of Rasulullah ﷺ.  was the owner of the house where the early Muslim community held its meetings. he is seventh on the list of “people, who became Muslims at the invitation of Abu Bakr , could be number twelve but he was one of the first who become muslim. He immigrate to Madina and flight with prophet Mohamed in all battles.


was the commander in chief of the Muslim army that beat the Roman army in egypt
– Built the first mosques in Africa and the city of Fustat
قائد الجيش الإسلامي اللذي هزم الروم فب مصر
بني اول مسجد في أفريقيا وبني مدبنه الفسطاط



was the youngest daughter of prophet Mohamed ,  Her husband was Ali, the last of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and her children include Hasan and Husayn, the second and third Shia Imams, , as she was the child closest to her father and supported him in his difficulties, and was the only child of prophet Mohamed to have male children live beyond childhood, whose descendants are spread throughout the Islamic world and are known .

اصغر بنات رسول الله و السيدة خديجة و من أفضل نساء العالمين ، زوجة علي و أم الحسن و الحسين



the oldest wife of the prophet Pbuh
Her husband was martyred in the battle of uhod and left her with 4 children. The prophet married her to look after her
She was very wise and advised the prophet on Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
– من اكبر امهات المؤمنين سنا
– استشهد زوجها في غزوه احد وتركها مع اربعه أطفال وتزوجها الرسول ليرعاها وأسرتها
– كانت حكيمه وأشارت علي الرسول في غزوه الحديبيه


أبوه علي بن أبي طالب أمير المؤمنين رابع الخلفاء الراشدين, أمه فاطمة الزهراء بنت النبي

,لُقّب ب سيد شباب أهل الجنة وفي بعض الروايات  ب سيد الشهداء
الابن الثاني لعلي وفاطمة بعد الحسن
ولد في المدينة، ونشأ في بيت النبوة، شارك في معارك الجمل وصفين والنهروان التي خاضها مع أبيه علي بن أبي طالب وخضع لإمامة أخيه الحسن بن علي،
دفن جسده في كربلاء. و كان استشهاده يوم العاشر من محرم سنة 61 هجرية الموافق 10 أكتوبر سنة 680م. ويسمى بعاشوراء

He is a grandson of the  prophet Mohamed and a son of Ali ibn Abi Talib  and Mohamed’s daughter Fatimah. He is an important figure in Islam as he was a member of the Bayt (Household) of Mohamed  as well as the third Shia Imam.
He was killed and beheaded in the Battle of Karbala on 10 October 680 (the 10th of Muharram in 61 AH) by Yazid, along with most of his family and companions, known as Ashura (the tenth day of Muharram, a day of mourning for Shi’i Muslims).


T & C

the quiz will be available in the website on the day

every day there will be new quiz

to apply you should be over 5 years old and  under age of 16

should be Egyptian or of Egyptian origin

should nominate the 30 companions correctly ( name and title)

should nominate the 30 companions correctly in the right order

candidate should be living in north of England

Age variation will be considered in the assesment of the answers

should write at least 20 words about each companions , not to be copied , write in your own word

answer can be either Arabic or English (advantage in  Arabic)

All answer to be send  no later than 7 days after Ramadan, you need to clearly write your name , age , contact details and address ( North of England only)

answers can be sent by email, what’s app or post

answer can be hand written , pdf , or word ( advantage hand writing )

all answers will be checked by community and will the winners will be announced

winners answers may be publish on the website (under youth club most likly)



first winner cash prize £80

Second winner cash prize £50

third winner cash prize £30

prizes will be given at next community meeting


good luck every one

Dr Atef Al-Kholy

Dr Mohamed Saleh